Young people

In addition to the range of activities available to everyone, Ringwood Uniting Church has several groups specifically for young people.


When              Sunday 10.00 – 11.45am (school terms). Fortnightly program.
Contact           John Nichol                            9879 3014

Age group: Year 7 upwards. Providing a forum for young people.

FRESH Youth Theatre

Fresh Theatre for Social Change is a not for profit theatre company primarily focused on achieving social change through the use of applied theatre techniques. Applied Theatre is the use of theatre to accomplish nontheatrical objectives. Fresh uses a range of applied theatre practices to bring about societal development and personal growth in the community, corporate and education sectors.

The Ringwood Theatre has two seasons a year and is open to young people high school aged.

For more information about our Fresh Theatre program, please contact the Church Office on 9870 6033 or go to